Friday, July 12, 2013

Sardines, Oh My

Having a tradional Portuguese meal.

High up on Santa Luzia

Took the elevator tram up to see Santa Lucia high above Viana do Castello.  This is scary high.

The elevator tram was interesting because there are two cars but one track. I will post a video when I have time showing how it's done.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

European Contradictions

A few things strike me as unusual in Europe.
Here are some examples:

They are concerned about their privacy and then tell you they need to take a piss.

They have had refrigeration forever and shop frequently. They talk about the healthiness of fresh home cooked meals. Yet they freak out about the short shelf life of fresh milk and eggs. Coming from Canada it is freaky to see eggs on an unrefrigerated shelf.

Monday, July 8, 2013

European Vacation - Day 19

What can I say. Internet access for the last two weeks has been sporadic.

Android and iOS need at least a gig a month. Most of that is usually over WiFi. If you don't have that then you tend to blow your data caps.

Solution on Android is to shutdown background data which also messes with apps that rely on it. Blogger app is one of them.

How hot is hot?

We are in a heat wave.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Is Portugal closed for business?

Just learned how business operates in Portugal. This is insane. 

Strictly oriented to well financed operations with solid business plans. I.E. no starting a business in your garage. F.Y.I. You need to submit a business plan to get a business license. A lead economist has suggested that all small businesses should close for being inefficient.

Tax system is so regimented that all major goods are tracked from factory/import to retail sale to make sure the government gets there cut from every distributer, retailer and shipping company (there are various tariffs on the shipping of goods). The tax man for all intended purposes runs an inventory tracking system. This is big government at its worse.